Download Free Flying Lotus Tracks With Proof of Purchase
Leave it to Warp’s flagship beatsmith Flying Lotus to not only help revolutionize the music […]

Leave it to Warp’s flagship beatsmith Flying Lotus to not only help revolutionize the music we listen to, but also how we obtain the music we listen to. With a brand-new web app called Trigger, fans of FlyLo can download what are called the Cosmogramma Alt Takes, but there’s a catch: You have to prove you actually purchased the Cosmogramma album. How do you do that? Well, if you bought the CD, you hold up the print side of the disc to your webcam while the Trigger application is running; if you bought the vinyl version then you do the same with the C-side label; and if you legally downloaded the record, you have to print out the PDF version of the booklet and flash that at your computer. You can learn more details and give the whole thing a try over on FlyLo’s website, here. (via Pitchfork)