Games Start New Imprint, Change Name to Ford & Lopatin
Though the particulars weren’t exactly clear, the production duo of Joel Ford and Daniel Lopatin […]

Though the particulars weren’t exactly clear, the production duo of Joel Ford and Daniel Lopatin (whom we’ve had the pleasure of speaking with not long ago) recently came into some sort of legal battle over their band name, and have since decided to change it from Games to the even more practical moniker Ford & Lopatin. But that’s not all the pair has been up to. In addition to the name change and working with Prefuse 73 on their debut full-length, Ford & Lopatin started their own label, an imprint of Mexican Summer called Software. That new endeavor will release the duo’s own LP first off, and plans to drop records from Demdike Stare, Autre Ne Veut, Oneohtrix Point Never, and others are already in the works. (via Pitchfork)