H.O.S.H. to Drop “Tour De Fonque” 12″ Next Week
German tech house producer Holger Behn (a.k.a. H.O.S.H.) has a new single in the works, […]

German tech house producer Holger Behn (a.k.a. H.O.S.H.) has a new single in the works, and this time it won’t be released through his usual Diynamic home. Instead, the Mobilee sister imprint Leena Music will drop his “Tour De Fonque” 12″ on March 28. The three-track record will feature the title track, a tune called “Dead and Alive” that features Taprikk Sweezee, and an “Agogo Dub” version of that latter song. You can check out the label art for H.O.S.H.’s forthcoming single below.

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