Jon Hopkins Previews Upcoming LP with Video Collaboration
After already sharing an enticing video for his track “Open Eye Signal,” London producer Jon […]

After already sharing an enticing video for his track “Open Eye Signal,” London producer Jon Hopkins has shared a new clip which previews each of his forthcoming LP’s efforts alongside visuals created from 10,000 microscopic images of food dye in the process of crystallizing. Part of a collaboration with video biochemist and photographer Linden Gledhill, typographer Craig Ward, and Vice’s The Creators Project, the preview not only gives new glimpses into the forthcoming Immunity LP, but also delivers on a pure eye candy level, with its detailed images changing from almost violently active to serenely drifting. The preview for Immunity—which is due out June 4 via Domino—can be watched below, and more information on the video collaboration can be found here.