Joy Orbison Becomes Joy O, Preps New Single for Hotflush
Yesterday, we caught wind of Brooklyn duo Games changing up the name of their, uh, […]

Yesterday, we caught wind of Brooklyn duo Games changing up the name of their, uh, game, opting to call themselves by their respective last names instead, and today we discovered that buzz-producer Joy Orbison has simplified his own moniker, too. Under the name Joy O, DJ/producer Peter O’Grady has already got a new single coming down the pipeline through the label that broke his excellent “Hyph Mngo” tune, Hotflush. The 12″ will feature the tracks “Wade In” and “Jels,” and will be released on March 21. You can preview a radio rip of “Wade In” below. (via FACT)
Update: Apparently, O’Grady’s label, Doldrums, tweeted “Still O.R.B.I.S.O.N.” So, make of that what you will.
“Wade In”