L-Wiz to Release Single on Joker’s Kapsize
Former Bubblin’ all-stars L-Wiz (pictured above) have been among dubstep’s finest since 2006, when the […]
Former Bubblin’ all-stars L-Wiz (pictured above) have been among dubstep’s finest since 2006, when the Swedish duo released their first 12″, “Girlfriend,” on Caspa’s Dub Police. Now L-Wiz is prepping a single for Joker’s Kapsize imprint for February 28. The release will feature the tracks “Straightjacket” and “4.42 OZ,” and if past Kapsize records are any indication, there will likely glassy synths and Prince-worthy panache. Peep the artwork and short clips of each track after the jump!
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