Listen to Four Tet’s and Caribou’s Upcoming Split Single Now
Though we’re not entirely sure of the exact details, it seems like Kieran Hebden (pictured […]

Though we’re not entirely sure of the exact details, it seems like Kieran Hebden (pictured above), the creative force behind last year’s gorgeous Four Tet album, There Is Love in You, is readying a new single for his own Text label, called “Pinnacles.” And apparently, it will be a split single, with Caribou‘s Dan Snaith sporting a new moniker, Daphni, on the flipside. You can stream both dancefloor-centric tracks from the forthcoming 12″ below, and keep an eye on the Four Tet website for further updates on the release. (via Nutriot)
Four Tet “Pinnacles”
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Daphni “Ye Ye”
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