Listen to John Talabot’s Remix of The xx
Is there some kind of remix album in the works for The xx that we […]

Is there some kind of remix album in the works for The xx that we haven’t heard about? Between the new Jamie Jonesremix we posted a few days ago, the news we caught of Hercules & Love Affair covering one of the UK trio’s tunes, and now, Barcelona producer John Talabot (pictured above) hooking up the internet with this remix of The xx’s “Shelter,” something’s got to be brewing. The tropically influenced producer did a bang-up job with his track, and was kind enough to post it on his Soundcloud page with a small blurb that says “Released by: Young Turks/XL Recordings.” So it seems our suspicions may be true. You can stream “Shelter (John Talabot Remix)” below.