Mad Decent Hooks Up Free Mixtape From Maluca
Lately, the Mad Decent website has been giving away a free mixtape every week from […]

Lately, the Mad Decent website has been giving away a free mixtape every week from friends and label collaborators, like Mumdance, Nguzunguzu, Diplo, and now, the NYC-born-and-bred Maluca. The mixtape, entitled China Food, was mixed by DJ/producer Paul Devro and features 20 tracks of remixes, originals, and other mixed-and-matched goodness all covered in the subtly sassy, sultry voice of the 28-year-old chanteuse. And seeing as how similar mixtapes featuring other burgeoning starlets, like Santigold and M.I.A., have become sought-after relics of each artist’s career, this could very well be another launching pad for a Mad Decent diva. You can stream or download Maluca’s China Food mixtape here.