Meakusma Launches New Festival
The event will take place in Eupen, Belgium, on September 23-25.

Thomas Brinkmann, Ben UFO, DJ Nigga Fox and more will play the first edition of Meakusma Festival this September.
Belgium’s Meakusma imprint was founded back in 2008 (after the same brand had already been organizing club nights since around 2004), and has since put out music by the likes of Madteo, Ryo Murakami, Bryce Hackford, and Mix Mup.
This year, the label has turned some of its attention to the production of a festival in the town of Eupen. The now complete lineup features performances from the likes of Mark Ernestus & Mark Ainley, rRoxymore, Substance (a.k.a. DJ Pete), Elektro Guzzi, Resom and Roger23. The musicians will be spread five separate stages in the rural setting of the Belgian town, with films and lectures also scheduled to supplement the other proceedings.
For the full lineup and more information, head to the festival’s site. You can buy tickets here.