Mr. Lif, The Coup Survive Bus Crash
On Saturday night, December 2, a tour bus carrying Mr Lif, the Coup, and DJ […]

On Saturday night, December 2, a tour bus carrying Mr Lif, the Coup, and DJ Big Wiz crashed and caught fire outside San Diego. A statement from EL-P and Definitive Jux explains the incident:
“Approximately 40 miles outside of San Diego the tour bus carrying Mr. Lif, The Coup, DJ Big Wiz, Metro and friends, flipped over and burst in to flames. Miraculously, everyone managed to escape with his or her lives. There were injuries suffered to different degrees ranging from minor to serious but everyone is essentially OK and getting treated in various hospitals. The bus and everything in the bus was destroyed in the fire.
The most serious injuries were sustained by DJ Big Wiz (Def Jux), Zarha (friend and merchandise assistant to Mr. Lif) and SILK-E (The Coup). They are all being looked after now and beginning the process of recovery.
Everyone else (Mr Lif, Metro, The Coup) is battered, but relatively unscathed.
For obvious reasons the tour will most likely not continue. Right now the dust has yet to completely settle but once it does we will provide fans and friends who are concerned with info on how to reach out to the injured parties and express well wishes.
We are all incredibly grateful that our amazing friends and fellow musicians survived this serious event.”
The survival of everyone involved is met with nothing less than sheer amazement and relief. XLR8R wishes all those injured a speedy recovery back to health.