New At INCITE Online, Sept. 19
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The Blow – The DIY-rooted duo have been working together since 2004, infusing their pop songs with no-wave and glitch-pop elements that surface on their new album Paper Television.
Another Electronic Musician – Jase Rex has been carving his own niche of thoughtful melodies, minimal style, quivering low-ends, and precise percussion, all of which provide a single head-nodding groove.
The Klaxtons – With melodies that resemble The Happy Mondays mixed with breakdowns and bpms that harken back to rave’s heyday, their new EP is an energetic six tracks of unpredictability, and thank god for that.
Cassettes Won’t Listen – After a full month of remixes, the artist is currently in the studio working on his follow up to the Nobody’s Moving EP released in late 2005.
Voice – This multi-tasker extraordinaire integrates the various cities and experiences that have filed her life, from LA and being broke to Toronto and finding love.