NextAid Presents Bid 4 Beats
Starting this month, LA-based humanitarian organization NextAid will begin Bid 4 Beats, an online auction […]

Starting this month, LA-based humanitarian organization NextAid will begin Bid 4 Beats, an online auction geared at raising funds for children orphaned as a result of AIDS in Africa, an aim that is NextAid’s raison d’ ĂȘtre. This particular auction features items desirable to music heads, with the catalogue already including Ableton software, gift certificates to Karmaloop and Stompy, releases from Ubiquity, Propellerhead Software, and a year’s supply of Vitamin Water, to name just a few items. The list grows every day.
Bid 4 Beats runs from Monday, October 23 – Friday, November 17, 2006. All proceeds go towards children orphaned as a result of AIDS in Africa.