Okayplayer Launches Caribbean Music Site LargeUp
The well-respected, hip-hop-centric website launched by The Roots’ ?uestlove, OkayPlayer, recently expanded its musical reach […]

The well-respected, hip-hop-centric website launched by The Roots’ ?uestlove, OkayPlayer, recently expanded its musical reach a bit further, and launched a new sub-site, with help from XLR8R writer Jesse Serwer and photographer Martei Korlei, that focuses primarily on Caribbean music. Called LargeUp, the fresh online hub covers the realms of dancehall, reggae, dub, hip-hop, and soca music, among other similar sounds, and also produces an internet TV show, which has already featured the likes of Mr. Lexx and Diplo in its episodes. You can check out those two shows below, and watch more LargeUp TV here.
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