On Sale Now: Art Army Action Figures
Michael Leavitt, the self-proclaimed “one-man company of fine craft, sculpture, toys, portraits, landscapes, performance, education, […]

Michael Leavitt, the self-proclaimed “one-man company of fine craft, sculpture, toys, portraits, landscapes, performance, education, architecture, and animation,” has really outdone himself this time, with his one-of-a-kind Art Army action figures.
Each of the clay and elastic figures depicts one of the art icons Leavitt takes inspiration and influence from, including Banksy, Barrry McGee, Andy Warhol, Futura 2000, Shepard Fairey, and, um, Conan O’Brien. Although many of these limited edition pieces have already sold, it’s well worth heading over to Leavitt’s site and having a look at his creations, which are as genius as they are hilarious. I was particularly excited to see Yoda included among these great artists, still on sale for a mere $300.