Pantha Du Prince Shares New Video
'In An Open Space' is taken from his forthcoming album, due out May 20.

Pantha Du Prince has shared a video to a never-heard-before song, taken from his forthcoming collaborative album The Triad, scheduled for release on Friday via Rough Trade.
Hendrik Weber (a.k.a. Pantha Du Prince) has been working alongside a group of musicians dubbed the Triad in the time since his last full-length, 2013’s collusion with The Bell Laboratory, Elements Of Light. Weber has stressed that the forthcoming LP is much more about jamming than his previous releases, which were more solitary, digitized affairs. He explains that though most of the tracks were a product of his “inner processes,” it was “very important to have the other two.”
The Triad feature in the video that Weber has today released. One member of the group, Scott Mou (a.k.a. Queens), noted that it was important for them to show more of how they “interact with each other.” The track, entitled “In An Open Space,” has not been shared publicly before now.
Watch the video to “In An Open Space” above.
You can pre-order The Triad at the Rough Trade store.