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Hello, this is a message from the law offices of Culture, Music & Film. I’m writing you in regards to a class-action lawsuit on behalf of director Chris Cunningham, the makers of The Blair Witch Project, the Species franchise, and people with respectable taste in music and film everywhere. Your video for the song “Corporate Occult” by Huoratron, which was directed by one Cédric Blaisbois, is in violation of a number of ethical and aesthetic codes set forth by artists who aim to uphold a standard of decency for audio-visual art presented to people who love good music and film. In addition, you are being charged with plagiarism and blatant copyright infringement of the intellectual properties of the director and films I represent. You will cease and desist all use of shaky, night-vision camera work, all motifs of females inexplicably turning into aliens, vampires, vagina dentata, or monster of any kind, and any low-budget CGI effects used to further such “techniques.” We also ask that you stop utilizing shock tactics (i.e. outright pornography, violence, and gore) to sell people on a song that has no place in music history, or even the internet for that matter. Your speedy compliance and restitution for all in the amount of “five minutes and 27 seconds of our lives back” is requested. Thank you.