SCB Remixes Arkist on New 12″
Paul Rose (a.k.a. Scuba, pictured above) has again taken to his SCB moniker, readying a […]

Paul Rose (a.k.a. Scuba, pictured above) has again taken to his SCB moniker, readying a pair of reworks of Arkist‘s 2011 single “Rendevous” to be released on a forthcoming 12″ for Apple Pips. Though the SCB edit of “Rendezvous” first made an appearance on Scuba’s 2011 DJ Kicks mix, the tune has apparently been kept as a “secret weapon” of sorts by Apple Pips label head Appleblim, who has now deemed both it and a new “SCB Dub” version of the tune ready for release. The Rendezvous/ SCB Remixes 12″ will drop on July 1; a stream of SCB’s initial edit, as it appeared on the aforementioned Scuba mix CD, can be heard below.