Show Your Moves To Plug Research
To celebrate Samamidon‘s debut video, “Tribulation,” Plug Research is holding its very own dance contest. […]

To celebrate Samamidon‘s debut video, “Tribulation,” Plug Research is holding its very own dance contest.
In the video, Sam does a dance that many reckon will be the next Chicken Noodle Soup, and with that in mind, Plug Research wants to see their fans try it out for themselves. As many renditions of the dance as possible will be lumped together and edited into Sam’s next video, for the track “Louis Collins.”
To play (or dance) your part in this mayhem, do the following:
1. Watch Samamidon’s “Tribulation” video and learn Sam’s dance (starts at 2:28).
2. Listen to “Louis Collins.”
3. Record yourself doing Sam’s dance along to “Louis Collins” and send it to the label. CDs/DVDs preferred. All videos become property of Plug Research and cannot be returned. Send to:
Plug Research
Attn: Samamidance
4519 Santa Monica Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90029
Samamidon’s But This Chicken Proved Falsehearted is out February 20, 2007 on Plug Research.