Space Dimension Controller to Release New EP on R&S
You know we love Space Dimension Controller. We’ve featured him in our Bubblin’ section, we […]

You know we love Space Dimension Controller. We’ve featured him in our Bubblin’ section, we exclusively hosted his inaugural live set from Sonar, and have basically sang the praises of the Belfast-based DJ/producer as best we could, so you can bet we’re going slightly gaga over his forthcoming EP for R&S. On October 18, the Temporary Thrillz EP will be available at retail locations courtesy of SDC and the aforementioned record label. That record features six songs of futuristic-yet-‘heavy on the ’80s vibes’ boogie/funk/house from 20-year-old producer Jack Hamill, and like we said before, we’re kind of totally into it. You can check out the artwork and tracklist for Space Dimension Controller’s Temporary Thrillz EP below.
1. Mercurial Attraction
2. Kaleidoscopic Ecstasy
3. 2EZ (Autopilot’s Lament)
4. Transatlantic Landing Bay
5. Temporary Thrillz
6. Simmering Emotion (Stay With Me)