Stream The Field’s Latest Album in Full
'The Follower' LP is scheduled for April 1 release via Kompakt.

Swedish producer Axel Willner (a.k.a The Field) is set to release his fifth full-length effort, The Follower, on frequent label home Kompakt on April 1. The Swedish producer is known for his gauzy loops and layers, although his most previous release, Cupid’s Head, found him experimenting with more muscular techno fare.
In the weeks leading up to the album release, Willner has shared a series of live performance recordings of his forthcoming album on SoundCloud, further building up the anticipation before the album’s official release. You can stream live performances of the title track, “Monte Verità,” and “Pink Sun” via XLR8R.
You can now stream The Followerin full below.
Pre-order the album by going here.
01/A1. The Follower
02/A2. Pink Sun
03/B1. Monte Veritá
04/B2. Soft Streams
05/C1. Raise The Dead
06/D1. Reflecting Lights