Video: LOL Boys “Changes (Shlohmo Remix)”
As he is wont to do, Shlohmo (a.k.a. Henry Laufer) has amped up the moodiness, […]
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As he is wont to do, Shlohmo (a.k.a. Henry Laufer) has amped up the moodiness, sensuality, and low end for his remix of the title track from the LOL Boys‘ Changes EP, which was given an equally murky visual accompaniment by Video Marsh. The mundane black-and-white shots of pretty girls smoking cigarettes and taking a shower seem tender and packed with emotion, especially when coupled with the swells of bass in Shlohmo’s rich and layered remix. At times, the clip cuts in time to the beatmaker’s flickering rimshots, disintegrating into swirling smoke to match the track’s brooding sexiness.