Violence In The Air
Maybe all that violence the US is wrapped up with in the Middle East is […]

Maybe all that violence the US is wrapped up with in the Middle East is coming back to bite us in the arses, or maybe the industry players are fed up with a lackluster year in music. Whatever the cause, there’s definitely been an increase in artist violence over the last week:
On Friday the 13th (spooky!), a show indie-rockers Two Gallants were headlining in Houston received a noise complaint, followed by an officer walking onstage waving a flashlight. After the band refused to comply, ruckus ensued. The officer shot several people with a Taser gun, and numerous arrests were made. The jury is still out on who started what, but the key players here are officer G.M. Rodriguez and Vogel and Trainwreck Riders‘ Andrew Kerwin and Sean Kohler, who were onstage at the time.
If you didn’t read yesterday’s news, it was reported that Friday the 13th (spookier!) also saw DFA Records’ Juan Maclean jump offstage and punch a drunken fan. Granted, taking a microphone stand and banging it on the table where the decks sat wouldn’t have warranted a hug from the DJ, but since when did stooping to the level of a drunken imbecile become cool?
Meanwhile, Wilco frontman Jeff Tweedy reportedly decked a fan at a Monday night show in Springfield, MO. According to, where you can view a video clip, an excited fan jumped onstage, overtaken by the moment. What a mistake! Tweedy did, according to Stereogum, an unexpected “come-from-behind, fan-to-Tweedy contact” though we enjoyed the groveling apology to the audience afterwards.
At the rate things are going, you might very well see Hot Chip trashing hotel rooms and Jimmy Tamborello throwing phones at hotel clerks any day now.
Jeff Tweedy: Deceptively Serene
Juan Maclean looking edgy.
Oh shit.