Virgo Four Split Revealed
After re-emerging as a duo in 2010 thanks to a Rush Hour reissue of its […]

After re-emerging as a duo in 2010 thanks to a Rush Hour reissue of its seminal self-titled 1989 album, Merwyn Sanders and Eric Lewis (a.k.a. Virgo Four) have enjoyed a new career as a revered production outfit from Chicago house’s salad days, releasing some retrospective material while also maintaining an ongoing live show. However, towards the end of 2011, Sanders (pictured above, right) actually decided to split ways with Lewis (pictured above, left) in hopes of pursuing a solo career—a task he says has been hindered by the fact that his departure was not publicized and that much of Virgo Four’s current promotional material continue to use his name and image.
As Resident Advisor reports in its comprehensive coverage on the newly revealed split, Sanders had decided to leave the group in June of 2011, agreeing to fulfill a handful of already scheduled live dates, two of which he later rescinded on and so was replaced by Terry Ivy (Lewis’ cousin). Since that period all live performances have included Lewis and Ivy, yet many have been touted as featuring the original Virgo Four and often used the departed Sanders image and name to accompany promotional efforts. “This past year I have done a few releases as Merwyn,” Sanders told Resident Advisor. “Some mistakes were made with the releases adding Virgo Four to my name but that is why I started posting ‘formerly known as Virgo Four’ on everything I could, so people would think, ‘formerly?’ and realize Virgo Four has split. It has been an uphill battle for me to get people to know we split and to refer to me as Merwyn.”
Resident Advisor’s full article on the now two-year-old split can be read here. The pair’s XLR8R podcast—turned in before the eventual split of Sanders and Lewis—can be heard here.