Yoshitoshi to Drop New Pig & Dan Single Featuring Sharam Remix
Washington, DC, dance music label Yoshitoshi just announced the impending release of a brand-new single […]

Washington, DC, dance music label Yoshitoshi just announced the impending release of a brand-new single for veteran production duo Pig & Dan‘s lively “Detonate” tune. While there seems to be no ‘original’ version of the tune, the new record does include an “Ethnic Mix,” a “Punch in the Face Bass Mix,” and a “Crazi Remix” from Deep Dish alum Sharam. All three tracks will be available exclusively through Beatport on March 22, but before then, you can stream previews of the music, and check out the artwork, below.

“Detonate (Punch in the Face Bass Mix)”
“Detonate (Ethnic Mix)”
“Detonate (Sharam’s Crazi Remix)”
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