Zion I East Coast Tour Dates Added
It may be a bit of a mouthful to say, but Heroes in the CIty […]

It may be a bit of a mouthful to say, but Heroes in the CIty of Dope, latest release from East Bay hip-hop duo Zion I and their cohort The Grouch, is well worth picking up at record stores. Producer and DJ Amp Live and emcee Zion have been working together since 1998, pushing their lyric-packed tracks to the streets of Oakland and beyond and garnering a lot of good press in the process. East Coast and Canadian fans will be stoked to see a slew of new dates that have the boys traveling that way this fall. Check ’em, then check the album.
Heroes in the CIty of Dope is out now on Om.
Tour Dates
10/19 Vancouver, The Plaza
10/20 Bellingham, The Nightlife Lounge
10/21 Missoula, The Other Side
10/22 Bozeman, Zebra Cocktail Lounge
10/25 Salt Lake City, The Urban Lounge
10/26 Ft. Collins, The Aggie Theatre
10/28 Denver, Larimer Lounge
10/29 Durango, The Abbey Theatre
10/31 Dallas, Haileys
11/01 Austin, Emos
11/03 Albuquerque, The Sunshine Theatre
11/04 Phoenix, Venue TBA
11/06 Flagstaff, Orpheum
11/07 San Diego, The Casbah
11/08 Los Angeles, The Knitting Factory
11/16 Saskatoon, Odeon Theatre
11/17 Red Deer, Venue TBA
11/18 Edmonton, Sidetrack
11/20 Calgary, Hi-Fi
11/21 Fernie, Royal Hotel
11/22 Nelson, Hume Hotel
11/23 Karmloops, Venue TBA
11/24 Whistler, Venue TBA
11/25 Victoria, Venue TBA
11/28 Allison, Great Scott
11/29 Burlington, Nectar’s
11/30 Baltimore, Sonar
12/01 Brooklyn, Southpaw
12/02 Philadelphia, The Fire
12/05 Hamilton, Casah
12/06 London, Ontario, Call The Office
12/07 Ann Arbor, Venue TBA
12/08 Chicago, Abbey
12/09 Madison, Annex
12/10 Minneapolis, 7th St. Entry