Podcast 620: Gulp
Nimble Argentinian rhythms.

Podcast 620: Gulp
Nimble Argentinian rhythms.
Gulp is one of the chosen aliases of Gonzalo Perez Scartascini, one of many Argentinians to have relocated to Berlin, Germany in the name of music. Little is known about his story but his name has been popping up on lineups across Europe, Asia, and South America, including at Vera and Alexandra’s Melliflow parties, Cocoon in Amnesia, and London’s Home, where he performed alongside Rhadoo, Vlada, and Sonja Moonear late last year. In this same period, he put out a 12″ with Adam Collins and started PEOPLE PEOPLE, a cross-genre group with multidisciplinary artist André Baum. The duo will debut on Lamache’s Discobar before the turn of the year.
Scartascini’s story begins in Buenos Aires, where he unearthed a deep curiosity for music of all genres by attending Cocoliche, one of the capital’s most renowned clubs. He’s been collecting and spinning records ever since, forever seeking to widen his palette, and this ongoing desire eventually drove him to Berlin, where he’s now settled in the city’s east.
It was in the German capital that he launched Formas, a minimal techno-leaning group project alongside Whoann and TXL with releases on Minor Planet Music and Dana Ruh’s Broquade. Intent on retaining ties with his home country, he also founded SUR in 2016 as a home to exchange and exhibit ideas between Europe and South America. The label regularly hosts showcases between the two continents and is responsible for breaking out a string of new talents.
A dedicated record collector with a broad yet fine taste, Scartascini’s musical expression continues to pick up the pace, spanning experimental, ambient, jazz, and funk. His XLR8R podcast, at just over one hour in length, exhibits his artistic range and a commitment to presenting records old and new in original contexts. He recorded it on the fly in Berlin last month, and delivered it to us eager with a small note: “Something different from what I do when I play at parties, more in a podcast vibe.” We couldn’t agree more, and so we decided to put it out.
What have you been up to recently?
The last months have been about making records that will see the light very soon and preparing a live show with PEOPLE PEOPLE, my cross-genre group with multidisciplinary artist André Baum. We presented it for the first time in October at La Rachdingue, a space in Girona that Salvador Dali founded. Now I’m in South America concluding a tour; the last gig was on Friday for Avant Garten alongside Nicolas Lutz and local talents Dintun and Klauss, and I will be back in Berlin next week to continue my daily routine of digging for records and finishing projects from this year.
Talk us briefly through your journey into electronic music—how did you first connect with it?
I became curious about electronic music after being inspired by friends in the scene in Argentina. There used to be a club in Buenos Aires called Cocoliche where I spent years listening for something new, and from there it’s continued to be a learning path. Traveling and meeting new interesting people always opens new channels for me and it takes me deeper into my curiosity.
Talk to us behind the idea behind SUR. What do you look for in the music you release?
When I started SUR with Jorge Gamarra and Gabriel Mylsztejn, the idea was to release music from our friends and our own productions that we were playing but that didn’t have a home. It started as a small project but the reaction from the international scene has been great and naturally, the family got bigger. We’ve been able to work with artists we really admire and also got the chance to exhibit new talents. Before the end of the year, we’ll celebrate our 10th release with a new record from AHORA, a project that involves Felipe Valenzuela and me and appeared for the first time as a mysterious AKA on a V/A Compilation on SUR , along with new collaborative artwork from Angeles Jacobi & Camila Alberti.
When and where did you record this mix?
I recorded the mix in October before traveling to South America at a friend’s place in Berlin where I love to hang, share new music, and drink tea while we listen.
What’s the concept or idea behind it? How did you choose the tracks that you included?
I made a blend between old and new music and productions from friends. My intention was to deliver something that grows from almost just noise to something deeper and more melodic.
Where do you do your digging for records?
I do most of my digging on Discogs and, of course, from the stuff shared between friends. Every time I travel I try to visit new record shops plus the usuals in Berlin.
How does the mix compare to what you’d play in a club?
When I play in clubs I don’t know what is going to happen. This was all pre-selected. I also included a few tracks that I like to listen to at home, that don’t fit the club scenario.
What’s up next, as you look forward?
I’ll finish the year with two releases that will be in stores in December. I’m excited to perform live again with PEOPLE PEOPLE. And I’ll keep working for SUR. I’ll also make my second tour through Asia. Recently I joined the Crisalida agency roster, so I’m looking forward to what will happen.
XLR8R has now joined Mixcloud Select, meaning that to download the podcast you will need to subscribe to our Select channel. The move to Mixcloud Select will ensure that all the producers with music featured in our mixes get paid. You can read more about it here.
01. Unknown
02. Unknown
03. MLO “Spike” (Wagon Christ Remix) (Reflective)
04. Unknown
05. Steve Pickton “Altares” (Mo Wax Excursions)
06. Plaid “Yak” (Warp Records)
07. Unknown
08. Hinode”Musicology” (Science Fiction Recordings)
09. Ovach “Futurist Manifesto” (El Milagro)
10. Unknown
11. Spacetime Continuum “Funkyar” (Astralwerks)
12. Unknown
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