Meat Beat Manifesto Autoimmune
Uninformed musical whistleblowers will be quick to judge Jack Dangers’ as an arrant dubstep thief, […]

Uninformed musical whistleblowers will be quick to judge Jack Dangers’ as an arrant dubstep thief, but the fact is, dude has been forging a similar sound for years. Album highpoint “Lonely Soldier” is case and point: dread bass and half-tempo beat sludge have always been Meat Beat territory, to the point that you have to wonder who’s doing the ripping off. Elsewhere, Dangers dips into tried-and-true methods, à la the wonderfully Subliminal Sandwich-sounding “I Hold the Mic!”, which features Daddy Sandy’s disembodied dancehall chat. Although the raw momentum begins to let up after the album’s midway point, by then Dangers has already crammed enough solid material in here to maintain his continued niche relevancy.