Stereolab Chemical Chords
Sticking with the accessible pop of Margerine Eclipse–which many fans, saw as a rebound from […]

Sticking with the accessible pop of Margerine Eclipse–which many fans, saw as a rebound from the band‘s divisive 2001 album, Sound-Dust–Stereolab offers its tenth studio album, Chemical Chords. Gone (mostly) are the Krautrock underpinnings that characterized their beloved early work–instead, horns, bells, and orchestral flourishes compliment a very upbeat set of sun-drenched lounge-pop. “Nouns Vous Demandons Pardon” and “Vortical Phonoteque” are vintage ‘Lab, but tracks like “Pop Molecule” apply a Burt Bacharach sheen to the group’s formula. Though often knocked for a long string of samey records, it’s worth noting that Stereolab has yet to release a bad album. Chemical Chords is no exception.