Event Review: Matrixxman & Gunnar Haslam at Fine Time
Throwing a quality party always comes with numerous challenges that the promoters will have to […]

Throwing a quality party always comes with numerous challenges that the promoters will have to face, along with a myriad of unknown factors that will undoubtedly have to fall into place for a party to “feel” successful to the crowd, let alone be a profitable event for the promoters who invest their time and money into making the shows happen. These remote factors can range anywhere from the minute-to-minute concerns of the venue owners, the type of crowd that happens to show up at your party, to the inhabitants that call the party space home for the other six days out of the week. Most of the time, these issues are lost on a crowd that just wants to show up and “party their asses off,” having no time for these issues to stand in their way because they have already drawn a diagram in their mind about how their night should unfold. This is a world that unfortunately will continue to turn in the minds of the crowd, completely uncaring of the promoter’s struggles. And rightfully so, since most of them have paid to enjoy the music (LA guest lists be damned), because in all reality, this is the trade off between the promoter and the crowd: promoters throw the party, and dancers contribute to the scene with their money and seemingly good-nature.

But promoters should always bear the responsibility of planning a good party that is both safe and enjoyable for the artists and the attendees. They should also spend some time at their parties personally entertaining guests, while also playing host to the artists who expect a show that is going to run smoothly and that makes them look good to their fans. Another big factor in reaching a high level of party pleasure can ultimately lie in the ability for the crowd to just get the fuck over themselves. They have to put their phone away and stop giving a shit if every detail is impeccable, or if the dancefloor is sweaty because you are dancing in a space that doesn’t have any airflow because two hours ago it was somewhere that had not had a party throw in it for months, and just let go and have the music take them where the DJ guides it. It’s in this area where cohabitation between all that we think we know, and where all that we trust and rely on can be thrown out the window in a moments notice, that we tend to spend the best time of our lives, chucking our bodies at the soundsystem with our eyes closed, where all focus can truly be on the music alone.

This proverbial “sweet spot” is found all the time in Los Angeles if you know where to go looking for it, and for the most part, LA crowds understand this struggle because we deal with it everyday as inhabitants of this wonderful city. We as party-goers in LA really have something special going on here, and with every turn of the page, we thankfully find another class of hungry up-and-coming promoters like Fine Time who are willing to put it all on the line to keep the kick drums blaring and to bring top notch artists like Gunnar Haslam and Matrixxman into these intimate situations for all of us to enjoy.

We as the crowd, and the scene as a whole, are really the ones who are benefiting from all of the hard work that Fine Time is putting into making its shows happen. Anyone who questions the vitality of the house or techno scene in Los Angeles needs to have a talk with Tahl or Kate. These two young promoters are fucking killing it, and as far as I can see it, they have no plans of stopping any time soon. It’s this type of verve and grit that has me completely confident in the future of Los Angeles as a place where you can have it if you want it, and Fine Time obviously want it. Tahl and Kate are not strangers to the scene, but since coming out of the gate in April with their closely curated techno lineups, Fine Time has not promoted one single subterranean show that I did not find uniquely interesting and seemingly fit for going straight to the jugular all night long. Deep down, it is secretly my personal wish that instead of looking to move or expand into more club or venue oriented areas with their house and techno showcases, or working with too many promoters to where the realness starts to become spread too thin, that they will continue to fight the good fight and increase their knowledge of the history of these types of parties they are throwing so that their head-space can continue to push LA into the ideas that I have yet to see the city explore.

I don’t want to blow the load by announcing who they have coming up for the rest of the year, but believe me, they only have top-form DJs coming in November and December, along with Juju & Jordash and Jason Kendig at the end of this month. If you want to know more about Fine Time, visit them online