Neptune Gong Lake
One of the most bizarre and unique bands on the planet, Neptune is composed of […]

One of the most bizarre and unique bands on the planet, Neptune is composed of three musicians: each blacksmiths, scientists, sculptors, electricians, and machinists. Taking all of their artistic and industrial endeavors into account, the Neptune fellas construct all of their own instruments, creating guitars, drums, and electronics from trash such as saw blades, bike parts, VCR casings, and gas tanks. With them they create an industrial post-punk noise-rock groove, all spastic guitars, heavy distortion, and tweaked vocals. Hardcore and aggressively agitating, this arrangement of instrumentation is hard on the ears yet clever enough to keep you interested. Expect to hear a fusion of Tool, The Chili Peppers and Autechre, with a noisy smash-metal twist.