Best of 2008: Abe Vigoda
LA’s day-glo tropical punks Abe Vigoda liked the ’90s revival: Guided by Voices sounds and […]

Best of 2008: Abe Vigoda
LA’s day-glo tropical punks Abe Vigoda liked the ’90s revival: Guided by Voices sounds and […]

LA’s day-glo tropical punks Abe Vigoda liked the ’90s revival: Guided by Voices sounds and goth disco.
What was your favorite album of 2008?
We have a tie! First, Portishead Third. We know this is, like, on most people’s list but it’s totally amazing! We were not fans previous to this record, but when we heard “Machine Gun,” we freaked out! It’s the most elegant post apocalyptic sound ever! “We Carry On” is totally insane, too! It’s our favorite song on the record. It has this really loud lead guitar part that’s sorta surfy in a really fucked way. Super class, super goth.
We equally love Parenthetical Girls’ Entanglements. This record is completely lush and full. It’s like Scott Walker and Jaques Brel. We like it a lot because it reminds us of a super warped musical, and the lyrics can be really cryptic, which is always rad. “Avenue of Trees” is a gorgeous song and our favorite on the record; it has really loopy strings, sort of like Philip Glass or something. Great!
What was the best music trend of 2008?
The ’90s revival! So many rad bands that remind us of Guided By Voices or The Swirlies! This does include our buds No Age but also Times New Viking, Vivian Girls, and Blood on the Wall. Also, although they are from the ’90s, the new Breeders record is soooo great!
What was the best style trend of 2008?
Goth. Not sure if its a huge trend but in our lives personally it’s the best thing! All of a sudden so many goth and industrial fans are coming out of the woodwork, which is really great and also been a large influence in our artwork aesthetic and with this new video we just filmed that is way goth.
What was the best 12″ single of 2008?
Hercules and Love Affair “Blind.” The song is so beautiful and the vocals are super mournful and pretty. We have had a blast dancing to it! We really like that this single was made this year, and we’re glad that really great diva disco/house is en vogue right now… Maybe the new Grace Jones record will be the biggest hit!
Best of 2008
Drop the Lime
Abe Vigoda
Bradford Cox
Andrew Jeffrey Wright
Cut Copy
Fucked Up
Vivian Girls
Matt Furie
dj/ Rupture
The Death Set
Holy Ghost
Plump DJs
Jose James
Worship Worthy
Peter Beste
Hercules and Love Affair
The Alchemist
DC Recordings