Lee Reynolds & Machino “Very Heavy”
Co-founder of the Desert Hearts movement and longtime dancefloor legend Lee Reynolds has recently dropped […]

Co-founder of the Desert Hearts movement and longtime dancefloor legend Lee Reynolds has recently dropped a new collaborative EP titled Moon Matrix alongside the respected new wave producer from Northern Mexico, Ramón Daniels (a.k.a Machino). Lee Reynolds first came to Los Angeles from the UK in 1988 while chasing his dream of becoming a pro-BMX rider. After an unfortunate accident which left Reynolds in rough shape, Reynolds stumbled into the vibrant world of electronic music. Mixing up and down the west coast of the United States, Reynolds honed his ability to craft and mix a concoction of solid grooves and beats to help people move their feet. A quarter of a century later, “Papa” Lee Reynolds (as he is referred to by many) has lived his life according to the dancefloors spiritual creed and holds the title “patriarch of Desert Hearts,” a party which is widely regarded as one of the United States’ fastest growing gatherings/cultural movements.
Reynolds, Daniels, and Desert Heart have graciously offered up the EP cut “Very Heavy” as today’s XLR8R download. With an ceaseless, fast-paced, and diverse drum arrangement, this 123 BPM banger exerts astronautic synth lines that sporadically burst alongside a monologue that encourage the listener to “relax,” to help balance out the flurry of dance induced hysteria that this track is bound to generate.
You can download “Very Heavy” below via WeTransfer.