Chateau Marmont “Monodrama (Gavin Russom Remix)”
Given DFA staple Gavin Russom‘s rap sheet, a remix from the producer clocking in just […]

Given DFA staple Gavin Russom‘s rap sheet, a remix from the producer clocking in just under seven minutes is more like a quick sketch than a fully formed idea. Still, the shorter format seems to work well for him. Russom gave “Monodrama”—by fellow analog space-disco enthusiasts Chateau Marmont—that special proto touch we’ve come to love from his Black Meteoric Star and The Crystal Ark projects. Wavering staccato synth melodies waft above a simple reverberated drum-machine beat as pulsing bass lurks somewhere in the middle of it all. The original version of “Monodrama” is featured on Chateau Marmont’s forthcoming EP for Institubes, Nibiru. You can also check out the release’s title track here.