Jamie Woon “Night Air (Becoming Real Remix)”
Jamie Woon‘s Burial-graced “Night Air” tune is certainly threatening to climb to the top of […]

Jamie Woon‘s Burial-graced “Night Air” tune is certainly threatening to climb to the top of a lot of folk’s year-end charts, but we might even be more enamored with the crop of remixes it has given way to. The version by percussion-loving bass-case Ramadanman first caught our ears, and now comes this stellar treatment from newcomer Becoming Real (pictured above). While the young tunesmith can be found working in the realms of post-dubstep, grime, and deconstructed juke, to name a few, his remix of “Night Air” is a production more inspired by bubbling future-house and reliant on delicate melodic elements—an atypical audio palette for Becoming Real. Certainly, the expertly crafted source material is responsible for some of the song’s lighter elements, but still, the remixer makes the wise choice to work within that vibe instead of forcing it to fit his past repertoire.