Black Noi$e “onlyu”
Detroit native Rob Mansel (a.k.a. Black Noi$e) returns to XLR8R‘s Downloads section with “onlyu,” a […]

Detroit native Rob Mansel (a.k.a. Black Noi$e) returns to XLR8R‘s Downloads section with “onlyu,” a slippery piece of R&B-infused electronics. Here, amongst a sea of chopped and rearranged female vocals, Mansel crafts a skittering half-time beat that is accentuated by a sparse set of syncopated bass notes. About halfway through the track, the producer elects to realign his rhythms, working the beat up to the tempo of an electro-indebted break, which is met by more active vocal manipulation before the track is stripped back to its original form.