Vessels “Echo In”
After turning in a remix of Rival Consoles’ “Recovery” for our Downloads section a few […]

After turning in a remix of Rival Consoles’ “Recovery” for our Downloads section a few weeks back (a rework which made for one of the site’s Top 10 Downloads of January), Vessels returns to XLR8R with “Echo In,” a new single from the Leeds-based group’s upcoming Dilate LP (artwork above). Scheduled for a release via the Bias label in March, Dilate is set to see the five-piece outfit shedding their roots as a guitar-oriented endeavor in order to fully embrace their electronic side. “Echo In” is a fine example of Vessels’ evolving sound—streaked with spiraling synth lines and buzzing chords, the track takes shaped as a fast-moving electronic hybrid, one which is quick to weave live drums in with skittering hats, pulsing melodic samples, and sneaking Moog-like leads. “Echo In” can be downloaded below before Vessels’ new full-length record arrives next month; the group’s upcoming UK tour dates have also been included below.
March 12 Convergence 2015, Village Underground, London (with Clark, Rival Consoles & Luke Abbott)
March 13 Convergence 2015, St. John At Hackney (DJ set with Kiasmos and Rival Consoles)
March 14 Start The Bus, Bristol
March 15 Rainbow, Birmingham
March 16 Soup Kitchen, Manchester
March 17 Nice n Sleazy, Glasgow
March 18 Belgrave Music Hall & Canteen, Leeds
April 25 Opium Rooms, Dublin (with Jack J)