Harkin and Raney “Workin’ & Steamin'”
The NYC-based duo of Eamon Harkin and Steve “One Auff” Raney (collectively referred to simply […]

The NYC-based duo of Eamon Harkin and Steve “One Auff” Raney (collectively referred to simply as Harking and Raney) are set to return with the pair’s second contribution to the Throne of Blood label, the Shakes On EP (artwork above). Here we have the release’s opening track, an eight-plus minute piece of deep house that does its title justice. Similar to the pair’s last outing together for the Rapture-headed imprint (the Word to the Wise EP), “Workin’ & Steamin'” finds the producers coming together somewhere between classic house and precision techno, but this time meeting in a much more sinister place characterized by tribal, drum-machine percussion, dark, ethereal pads, and an array of pulsating synths. The Shakes On EP, which comes complete with this tune, the title track, and a remix from Naum Gabo, sees its release today.