Check Out This 100% Silk Mixtape
We just can’t get enough of 100% Silk. Though it’s been under a year since […]

We just can’t get enough of 100% Silk. Though it’s been under a year since Amanda Brown (of Pocahaunted/LA Vampires fame) started the Not Not Fun sub-label, the imprint has been fast in putting out quality releases by XLR8R-approved artists (check out this recent feature with Ital and Magic Touch). Now, Brown has submitted a mixtape to Wow Magazine that neatly captures the essence of the label’s sound, moving carefully through ambient, piano house, straight-ahead disco, filter house, and more hazy dance beats. You can listen to the mix here, and find the tracklist below.
1. I Can Feel the Heat – Magic Touch
2. What?? – Pharoahs
3. High Reflection – Octo Octa
4. Wet Devil – Sfv Acid
5. Milk N Honey – Sir Stephen
6. Queens – Ital
7. Shadow Disco – Innergaze
8. Kyrie Eleison – Maria Minerva
9. Trickle – Cuticle
10. I – Gillette