Ctrls Returns to Token
‘Nonuser’ is the Belgian label’s 60th release, and is due out April 15.

Danish techno producer Troels Baunbæk-Knudsen (a.k.a. Ctrls) is lined up for Token Records‘ 60th release, which will hit stores mid-April.
As Ctrls, Baunbæk-Knudsen has released a number of EPs, all via Token, the techno imprint run by Kr!z (also home to the likes of Inigo Kennedy, Ø [Phase] and Antigone). He returns to Token after last year’s Two Worlds, with Nonuser, an EP that the label describes as taking his “club focused sound to new heights, delivering rolling percussion alongside twisting, distorted leads and thundering basslines.”
Nonuser is set to be released April 15.