DVS1 Shares Clips from First Support Organize Sustain Conference
The event took place on August 18 in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

DVS1 has published several videos from last year’s inaugural Support Organize Sustain conference in Amsterdam.
DVS1, real name Zak Khutoretsky, launched Support Organize Sustain (a.k.a S.O.S.) as an independent initiative to promote community and artistry in electronic music. The inaugural conference was held on October 18, 2019, with a full day of panels, presentations, and roundtable discussions including DJs like DJ Stingray, Dasha Rush, Juliana Huxtable, Josey Rebelle, as well as various promoters and club representatives.
Discussed were six topics, spread over three panels and three presentations. The panels discussed marginalized communities, and brought together promoters from far-reaching areas and artists to talk about their creative drive. The presentations covered issues ranging from global drug laws, no-camera policies, as well as scene ethics and guidelines.
S.O.S. has been invited to host a day of talks during ADD Festival in Athens, Greece on Thursday, May 28, and plans on building additional content with locals as well as international voices to add to the material from last year.
“While the first conference was completely self-funded by the group, moving into the future, we hope to establish S.O.S. into a fully functional non-profit organization,” DVS1 explains. “Once this is legally established, we can sustain and grow the project through fundraising.”
Khutoretsky’s aim’s to eventually spread S.O.S. beyond Europe. “We hope to be able to create an online application for people to reach out to S.O.S. and request our presence or help,” he continues. “Once we can budget a yearly amount, we hope to set aside financial allotments to take this international and open up the dialog directly with people in areas that need to be heard.”
You can read more about S.O.S. here, and watch the panels from the first conference below.
PANEL: Putting the Art in Artist | Finding and maintaining your artistic voice––Dasha Rush, Josey Rebelle, DVS1, DJ Stingray.
PRESENTATION: Take the LEAP | An effort to reform drug laws around the globe––Neil Woods, former detective sergeant, chairman of LEAP UK & USA.
PRESENTATION: Enjoy Right Now | The importance of no-camera policies––DVS1
ROUNDTABLE: Make Room | Finding and protecting space for marginalized communities––Juliana Huxtable, Madison Moore, Seva Granik
PANEL: Looking to the Future | Building a scene versus growing an industry––representatives from Bassiani, Under Club, Honcho / Hot Mass
PRESENTATION: Write It Down | Developing and promoting scene ethics and guidelines––Seva Granik