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Not lucky enough to be hanging around San Francisco in the ravey glory days of the early ’90s? If not, don’t worry: The Gathering‘s Martin O’Brien and Wicked Soundsystem’s DJ Jenö have got you covered with a brand new, as-yet-unnamed documentary exploring the rave culture San Francisco once played host to. Featuring everyone from the promoters on down to the ravers themselves, the documentary promises to establish San Francisco as the epicenter of American rave culture in the pantheon of cultural history. The film is currently in post-production, but the producers are still on the lookout for material. If you or anyone you know has old photos, negatives, video tapes, or anything else from the period of 1989-1994, contact producer Mike Koeppel. Those interested in the project’s progress can follow the film’s development on its rather active Facebook page, but for now, check out the clip above, which features the likes of DJ Harvey, Thomas Bullock, Jenö, Garth, Markie Mark, and many others.