Benoît Pioulard and Rafael Anton Irisarri will release their sophomore LP as Orcas this spring via Morr Music. Entitled Yearling, the forthcoming eight-track record is said to find Orcas enlisting the help of fellow musicians Martyn Heyne and Michael Lerner to craft an album that attempts to “reconcile the uncertainty and frailty of our combined humanity with the ardor of the individual, and to understand the measure of a year against that of a lifetime.” We’ll have to wait until April 4 to see what exactly the outfit’s lofty aspirations have yielded, but in the meantime, a video preview of the album can be seen below, where Yearling‘s tracklist is also included.

01 Petrichor
02 Infinite Stillness
03 Half Light
04 Selah
05 Capillaries
06 An Absolute
07 Filament
08 Tell