Premiere: Hear a Stunning Cut Made Entirely on a Korg DS-8 by In Bloom
'One Instrument Volume 1' features eight sound experiments produced on single instruments.

Grand River‘s One Instrument label will launch later this month with One Instrument Volume 01.
The label looks to explore the deep possibilities of musicians instruments, limiting each artist to producing a composition by using only one instrument of their choice. One Instrument Volume01 is the first embodiment of this idea, featuring eight stunning sonic outings by In Bloom, Fabian Kempe’s Korridor project, Serena Butler, Yhdessa (the Dutch-Italian duo formed by Grand River and Enrica Falqui), Yair Elazar Glotman, Fjäder (a.k.a. Ida Matsdotter), Claudio PRC, and Dutch duo Wanderwelle.
In support of the LP release, One Instrument has offered up a full stream of In Bloom’s beautiful and poignant cut “Korg DS-8,” available via the player below.
You can pre-order the release here.