Sónar Announces the Premiere of RGB|CMY Kinetic
The colossal audiovisual installation will be created by German studio ART+COM for SonarPLANTA.

SonarPLANTA is a joint initiative between Sónar and the Sorigué Foundation, which aims to promote and celebrate experimentation in the arts, especially those around technology and new media art. This year will be the second edition of SonarPLANTA, with ART+COM presenting the kinetic light installation RGB|CMY Kinetic; which is currently being produced in Berlin. RGB|CMY Kineticis both a sculpture suspended in the air and a choreography of light, with the third element in the project being sound. Icelandic composer Ólafur Arnalds will create two tracks for the installation, one which will draw from the data stream generated by the movement of the sculpture’s elements and a separate composition abstractly representing movement.
You can check the installation plan below, along with a video of a previous installation by ART+COM.

Symphonie Cinétique – The Poetry of Motion, 2013 from ART+COM on Vimeo.