The XLR8R Office Top Ten Album Picks, Feb 19
VariousG-Ha and Olanskii: SunkissedSmalltown SupersoundSmalltown Supersound has released its first mix CD and it smokes. […]

VariousG-Ha and Olanskii: SunkissedSmalltown Supersound
Smalltown Supersound has released its first mix CD and it smokes. Featuring cosmic madness from Serena-Maneesh, Glimmers, and 120 Days, this Norwegian label is setting us on fire and we dig it.
KlaxonsMyths of the Near FutureDGC
Does the band’s new LP match all the new rave hype? Yes. The youthful trio brings hit after hit on Myths of the Near Future. Think we’re joking? Listen to the gritty sirens on “Atlantis to Intrerzone,” and you’ll see how serious this is.
Wolf & CubVessels4AD
We rarely get to cover garage rock in the print mag, but every once in a while, it still makes the top ten.The way these Australian gentlemen employ heavy psych guitars with shoegaze vocals and incessantly driving drums will make your head hurt.
The Twilight SadFourteen Autumns & Fifteen WintersFat Cat
With an album title like Fourteen Autumns & Fifteen Winters, you know that you’re entering Bummersville. But in this case, that’s a very good thing. The Twilight Sad writes some beautiful, atmospheric pop songs that could make any break-up a potentially good thing, as long as this record’s around.
SterlingCursedFile 13
Of all of the Milemarker side-projects and affiliations, Sterling is the most impressive. At three songs and over 35 minutes of classical guitar ambiance, the new album from this Chicago quartet couldn’t be more impressive. Trip central.
Boris with Michio KuriharaRainbowDrag City
Oh, snap. Japan’s Boris has taken the plunge into an entirely different realm. The leader of heavy pyschedelia offers us a much mellower side, working with Michio’s stunning guitar work. Pretty vocals and shredding solos make this one of the key records of the year.
Jarvis CockerJarvisRough Trade
It’s his first solo album and quite possibly the Pulp frontman’s best work to date. Between the vintage pop melodies, introspective lyrics, and fuzzy guitar swells, Jarvis is a long-awaited surprise that transcends all expectations.
Terminal Sound SystemCompressor Extreme
Drum & bass is a genre that can be pretty predictable at times. But Terminal Soundsystem’s Compressor defies that now-age old dilemma. This dude makes some of the heaviest, metal-scraping D&B around today. Metal heads and dubstep nerds will drool.
FenneszEndless SummerEditionsMego
After six years, Christian Fennesz’s Endless Summer is still as relevant as it was in 2001. The proof lies in this remastered version of the sonic noise master’s classic. Even though it’s actually winter, the album is a reminder of what we have to look forward to in a couple of months.
VariousLusine: PodgelismGhostly
Seattle’s Lusine is responsible for creating some of the most poppy ambiance this side of Eno, and this collection of remixes just reinstates his position. Featuring reinterpretations from Apparat, Matthew Dear, and John Tejada, Podgelism is a texture-oriented, danceable powerhouse.
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