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Abstract shapes turn into a hazy night’s drive in the video for “The Future Never Comes,” an expansive cut from Los Angeles-based sound designer and producer Benjamin Wynn’s forthcoming LP for the Friends of Friends label under his Deru moniker. Set to appear towards the end of Wynn’s 1979 LP, “The Future Never Comes” is a dark excursion into textured electronics, one whose increasing sense of urgency is paralleled by the video collage compiled by visual artist Anthony Ciannamea, who intercuts the clip’s blurry nighttime drive footage with grainy, fast-moving textures and flashes of similarly burnt-out images.

As it turns out, the video above is just one of nine short films Ciannamea was asked to put together for Deru’s 1979 LP which, aside from being available in vinyl and digital forms on June 17, will also be released as a custom projector package—deemed the Obverse Box, more information on the functioning sculptural object can be found here.