Podcast 399: Dense & Pika
Alex Jones and Christopher Spero rock their teched-up rhythms in our latest podcast.

Podcast 399: Dense & Pika
Alex Jones and Christopher Spero rock their teched-up rhythms in our latest podcast.

Are two heads better than one? We’re not sure—in real life, a double noggin would garner you a lot of dumbfounded looks. But in the electronic-music game, it sure doesn’t seem to hurt: From the likes of Orbital, Leftfield and Autechre, through Metro Area, M.A.N.D.Y. and the pairing of Lindstrøm & Prins Thomas, right through to Blondes, Reagenz and Voices From the Lake, some of our favorite musical output has been the result of mind-melding duos. You can add Alex Jones and Christopher Spero (the latter also works under the Glimpse banner) to that list. With a techy sound that’s big yet rarely bombastic, relentless but never harsh, the two DJ-producers teamed up as Dense & Pika in 2011, and since then have racked up hot tune after EBM-tinged hot tune for such esteemed labels as Hotflush, Planet E, Aus and Drumcode; this spring saw Jones and Spero making their Hypercolour debut via the well-received Lynn EP, a a quartet of tunes that zeroed in on the sweet spot of jack-worthiness. (Fun fact: Jones runs Hypercolour with partner Jamie Russell.) Dense & Pika are gearing up for one of their biggest gigs yet, the massive Drumcode Halloween event in London on on October 31—but in the meantime, they’ve been kind enough to put together this chugging, undulating and thoroughly enjoyable mix, featuring tunes from Adam X, Marcos Cabral, Regis and many more.
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01 Lakker “Milch” (vocal) (R&S”
02 Stenny “Three Mile Island” (Ilian Tape)
03 Dorisburg “Computer Drumming” (Bossmuzik)
04 Marcus Sukut “Turn On” (Mosiac)
05 Unbalance “True Feelings” (Unbalance)
06 La-4A “American Kid” (Matrixxman remix) (Delft Records)
07 Error Smith & Mark Fell “Cuica Digitales” (Pan)
08 Marcos Cabral “The Conversation” (Crème Organization)
09 Lait “Pain” (X0X Records”
10 Adam X “It’s All Relative” (Sonic Groove)
11 Regis “Blood Witness” (Downwards)
12 Adam X “Small Black Object” (vocal) (Sonic Groove)
13 Adam X “Catenary” (Sonic Groove)
14 Mary Boyoi “Zooz” (Tamo Suma remix) (Sud Electronic)
15 Roman Flügel CDR (Hypercolour)
16 Rho “Lenk Motor” (Acid 1995 mix) (U-Turn)
17 Adam X “Catenary” (Sonic Groove)
18 Sleeparchive “Senza Titolo One” (Mord)
19 Cheap And Deep Productions “Alala.One” (acapella) (Modular Cowboy)
20 Unbalance “Eurphoria” (Roman Lindau remix) (Unbalance)
21 Whitesquare “Someone Else” (20/20 Vision)
22 Dorisburg “Computer Drumming” (Bossmuzik)
23 Kinga “Couch” (Basic Beat)
24 Mak & Pastemen “Runout” (CDR)
25 Bas Mooy “Frygt” (Blank Records)
26 Magit Cacoon “Love Express” (Upon You Records)
28 Henning Baer “On Craft” (Sonic Groove)
29 Marco Faraone “Restrictions” (Be As One)
30 Back When (CDE)
31 Lakker “Milch” (vocal) (R&S)