Finns making disco-soul as Star You Star Me release six years of work in one album, and Forcetracks begins to seem like the LVMH of techno labels. Forcetracks’ output is elegant and addictive, sparkling like champagne. Simple Things is your spring hobo bag, if you will, and-like well-tailored editions from MRI, Luomo, and SCSI-9 that came before-you must have it. The best tracks here add human voices, and love evades them all. Vocalist Jeny asks, “Why must all sweet things go?,” turning her back on dance partner Erlend Oye, while on “Burden,” Nega is plagued by unrequited love as he sings against a synth-pop backdrop that’s gold-chain garish, and utterly moving. Star You Star Me’s goal of making music that’s “momentous” has been met, and the best thing is, you can really afford it.